There were many computers to come before the Eniac that was publicly revealed in 1946 but all the computers that came before weren’t able to do such complicated computations like Eniac was able to do, let me also mention that many that came before Eniac were actually never finished. Eniac was massive it filled a room that was around 1,500 square feet. With Eniac being so massive you would think it must have had a lot of components inside of it, well your not wrong it had many capacitors, switches, and relays which generated a lot of heat while it was running. It generated so much heat that they had to use “Two 20-horsepower blowers that exhaled air into Eniac so it wouldn’t melt down” (Levy). After some years, the Eniac was broken up and some sections were then later put into the Smithsonian and University of Pennsylvania for viewing. With the Eniac being a revolutionary invention I think it changed the way people looked at computers and what we can do with them, what I mean by that is when Eniac was a huge “super computer” that the government used companies got ideas to try and make the same thing but better especially when Eniac was broken up and dispersed, some broken up parts of Eniac were still getting use at the University of Pennsylvania for a little while. That got people thinking of how they can make somewhat of the same thing just in a smaller form factor but still the same performance, which began companies to start inventing home computers. In the end with the invention of the Eniac computer I think it changed the way with how technology is now, without the Eniac it would have taken far longer to build the first computer as the inventors of Eniac got money from the government to build it, while other inventors had started building computers they weren’t actually able to finish what they started and with that could of possibly slowed down our evolution of computers or just technology in general and we wouldn’t be as advanced as we are today with technology.



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