Blog #3

With the Black Lives Matter protests happening all around the world what most people are shown on TV and else where are the bad parts of the protest that are happening but a report came out saying that 93% of protest have been peaceful. The first amendment allows people to gather in assembly to peacefully protest the government and let them speak freely which as I said earlier 93% of protests have been doing, what the first amendment doesn't allow are outside groups coming to protests and harassing and beating up protesters if they do not believe in what they believe. There is in some cases points when they aggravate the police and turn shit south real quick for everybody else peacefully protesting, buildings also do usually get broken into and merchandise stolen just for the sake of because they can. All that stuff that they are doing is not freedom of expression it's someone taking advantage of the situation that they are in. Outside groups do assemble but some do not assemble to protest the government they protest because they see and opportunity to cause chaos with a high chance of not getting any repercussions.


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