Blog #2

 The supreme court was established in 1789 this allowed the congress to make inferior federal courts. The congress was then allowed to decide how the supreme court was organized; they first used this power in 1789 with the Judiciary Act which was signed by George Washington, the act said that the court would be made up of six justices who served until they died or retired. The way the supreme court’s justices are picked are by the president and approved by the U.S. Senate, the judicial officer is the highest judicial officer is the chief justice who is responsible for conducting over the supreme court and organizing the agenda for the weekly meetings, the chief justice also sits over impeachment trials of the president. The first court only had six justices while the court over the years has a total of anywhere from five to ten justices over the span of the years, finally in 1869 they set a firm number on nine justices where it has remained the same until today. 113 justices has served on the supreme court as of 2017.


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