Week 6 Blog

When we talk about free speech, we think about everyone being able to say their opinions without having repercussions, there are places that do not have this because of how the country is ran. The United States is one of the places that allows freedom of speech without repercussion, therefore the United States is a place people dream of coming for “The American Dream.” Everyone is able to say their opinion about someone or something and find people just like them to which they can form a community to try and push out into the United States or maybe even the world about their message that they are so passionate about. With the recent BLM protests and movements that we have been seeing for multiple months they are able to freely come together and protest for what is right but as these protest go on they have seen problems with police or other right-wing rallies taking away their freedom of speech for something they believe in and are able to protest for. I do understand that everyone has the freedom of speech and police have a job to do but when right-wing rallies decide to beat up peaceful protestors because they do not agree with what the right-wing agrees with then that is a violation of the amendments silencing someone because they are different. The police also do this too, silencing the protestors by throwing tear gas at them, shooting rubber bullets, and detaining them all because they are peacefully protesting. I know they are areas in the United States that had looting problems which got the protests a little out of control but still when looting was happening there were point sin time when the police didn’t even care about that and just detained anyone that was in the street even if they were peacefully protesting. Freedom of speech is something that brings people together as a community and innovates new things and ideas and how to approach this, without freedom of speech this world would not be able to progress and make the necessary changes that this world needs right now in this time of crisis, we would instead be stuck in a crisis 24/7 and not be able to do anything about it.


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