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EOTO Net Neutrality

 Net Neutrality is the idea that internet providers all should treat content equally. What that means is companies shouldn't be able to slow down and or block streaming services or in today's case zoom, companies have done this because it encourages people to buy their cable package again. Bush and Obama fought for Net Neutrality, after a while of being defeated by broadband providers FCC finally passed a Net Neutrality order in 2015. In December of 2017 the FCC was republican controlled and took away the Net Neutrality order making broadband providers block and slow down whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. The congress was the only one who could block the broadband providers decision if they wanted too. People argue everyday that Net Neutrality is what is crucial for innovation for companies big and small (mostly focused on smaller companies), they argue that if providers could pick favorites online then they could disrupt a big innovation. Think about it if they had bl

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